Caring for Hermit Crabs – Avoid The 4 Common Mistakes People Make

When caring for hermit crabs, it’s probably good to know that as far as pet care goes, it’s relatively inexpensive and doesn’t take up a lot of time. This has to be good news, right? After all, what better way to have a pet than to have one that practically takes care of itself! Well, just before you dive headfirst into the world of crabbing, here are some common mistakes to avoid in order to allow your fellow hermie to live a long and happy life.

Buying just one!

Okay, first things first! You have decided on a hermie as a pet and you find the one you are looking for in the pet store! You buy it and walk away, happy knowing that you are going to give your new pet the care and attention it deserves. Well guess what! You just made your first mistake! You see, when you want to keep your hermie happy and healthy, it’s fundamentally important to try to recreate her behavior in the wild. Hermies are actually very social creatures that live in small colony groups and aren’t really happy being alone. So rule number one, go buy your friend a friend!

Incorrect temperature and humidity

Hermies live in tropical areas and have adapted to high temperatures and high levels of humidity. So you will need to recreate this in captivity. Try to regulate the temperature in the aquarium to around 70-72o F. and a humidity level of around 70%. Hermies are pretty good at letting you know there’s a problem. If they are too hot, they will give off a musty odor and excrete a dark brown liquid. If they are too cold, they will become very docile and eventually die.

Incorrect dietary requirements.

A pet hermie is certainly not a picky eater and will eat just about anything you put in front of it. However, don’t make the mistake of feeding them junk or high sugar foods as they need a certain amount of nutrients in their diets i.e. calcium, carotene and antioxidants. In this case, when you are keeping your hermits as pets, it is always best to keep a close eye on them. If they need calcium, their shells start to turn white. If they lack carotene, the crab will begin to turn a slightly gray color.

Thinking that the crab has died or is sick

This is a very common mistake that is made when you have a hermie. You see, hermies need to shed up to six times a year (depending on size and age)! When they are preparing to moult, they will become lethargic and actually lifeless for long periods of time. They will also burrow into the substrate. At this point it is an easy mistake to think that the crab is dead or seriously ill. If you move it when it’s molting, you could damage the new, very soft exoskeleton and could kill the crab. So just watch and leave it alone for a few days.

If you can avoid these traps, caring for hermit crabs should be a fun and hassle-free experience for you and these adorable creatures.

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