Networking Tips – Wear a Smile

It can be extremely intimidating to walk into a networking event and not meet anyone. It can also be scary to start a conversation with perfect strangers. It can be even more awkward to be approached by people you don’t know. But all knowledgeable professionals know the importance of face-to-face networking and the benefits of attending functions. One of the ways to break down these social barriers is to improve your communication style. The first step is to smile more. Be friendly and welcoming to attract positive thoughts and people.

Listed below are specific tips on how professionals, entrepreneurs, and students can capitalize on their networking efforts.

Practice your nonverbal cues and learn to smile more when you meet and connect with others. Smiling is an automatic stress reliever. It is a facial expression of happiness and joy. The use of the smile offers many mental and physical benefits that people should be aware of. Studies show that 65% of communication is non-verbal. Nonverbal interactions include eye movements, posture, and facial gestures such as smiling. Nonverbal communication is also a great way to reach people you don’t know. It is an informal icebreaker to start interesting conversations or dialogues.

A large percentage of people are more likely to converse with strangers if they smile. Smiling opens doors of opportunity and fosters connections at events. People are also seen as more confident and successful when they smile. Believe it or not, smiling can create good impressions in the long run.

There are several ways to incorporate a smile into your networking routine. Tell funny or engaging stories with others. Share light and warm experiences in business and social interactions. Talk about positive people who have influenced your business or career. Highlight heroes and mentors who have impacted your life and profession. Talk about positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied clients or customers. Include details about a decent work evaluation or end-of-year performance review. Also, encourage your counterpart to share their favorite stories of success and accomplishments. These kinds of conversations can uncover common interests or similar networks. You can also establish early relationships and trust for future business or collaboration.

The purpose of smiling more at events and social functions is to break down communication barriers. It is a very effective way to engage others and bond with your counterparts.

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