Why Guided Meditations Are Worse Than Useless

Some of you are using your time for guided meditations.

While that’s not the worst use of your time, I recommend that you don’t.

People like guided meditations because it is easier than meditating alone. Well sure, a lot like how it’s easier to lift weights if you have someone there lifting with you. It is “easier” but makes it useless.

You may have a hard time meditating because your mind keeps wandering. If so, you may like guided meditations because they help you stay on track.

But correcting your own lack of focus is where 90% of the benefits lie.

You can’t outsource that, just like you can’t outsource a good diet, exercise, and getting up early.

Now, I know some of you will say that you only got into meditation thanks to guided meditations. If you used them as training wheels and later discarded them, sure.

It would point out that magic was within you the entire time. You didn’t need help meditating, you just thought you needed it. If you needed the training wheels to get you going, I’m glad everything worked for you.

The problem is that most people ride their entire lives with training wheels on.

Five minutes of concentration, where all the responsibility falls on you, is better mental training than 20 minutes listening to another person.

If you are the type of person who likes to enter altered states of consciousness listening to someone else speak, then I have good news.

Because there is an exception to this rule.

And that’s when you listen to hypnotic guided meditations.

What is the difference?

That simple little extra word changes what happens.

Instead of reminding you to focus (in other words, do your work for you), hypnotic guided meditations use their words to … well, hypnotize you.

They put you in a deeper state of meditation, one that could take years of training to reach on your own.

Rather than being like training wheels, hypnotic guided meditations are like Sherpas. Technically, you don’t need them to explore new depths of your own mind … but with them, you can go much further, faster, and easier than on your own.

I still recommend mixing it up and meditating under your own power.

But if you combine that with hypnotic guided meditation, you will find yourself going deeper into a trance and getting more benefits from it.

All with less effort on your part.

It is the best way to learn to meditate.

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