Dyslexia strategies applied to teaching the trumpet

Much has been written on the subject of dyslexia, teaching dyslexics, and teaching strategies for dyslexia. The problem here seems to be simple. Is dyslexia a mental disorder, a disability, a learning disability, or is it that people with this condition simply process information differently than what we call "normal"? Or put another way: is the problem of the individual or is it rather the...

2010 Danish Holidays – Celebrations in Denmark

Denmark has several public holidays in 2010. Below you will find a list of the different occasions and the date they are celebrated. Most take place in the early part of the year and then there is a prolonged dry spell until November and December.January 1, 2010 is Nytaarsdag or New Years Day and all businesses are closed on that day.February 14, 2010 is Fastelavn or Shrovetide, which is a...