unkempt- "A woman seemed boring, plain, or old-fashioned"

As the mother of a 22-year-old boy, I am at that stage in my life where some styles are no longer attractive or appropriate. My two biggest fears are looking like my mother and looking like my daughter.Mature and stylish women follow the main trends while staying within their own style. As we move forward, we have to redefine what constitutes an up-to-date look and let go of outdated ideas, but...

Don’t guess, find out where the cheapest gas is in your area before you leave home

Even though gas prices have come down from the $4.00+ we've all been paying since the summer of 2008, we still don't like paying prices at the pump. We feel like we are being robbed no matter what we pay and literally being held "over a barrel" with our wallets. But the high prices have upset a lot of people and they are banning together to help you. There are many websites that have been created...