Create fascinating PR campaigns with the power of artificial intelligence and human sentiment analysis

Artificial intelligence and machine learning may be the technologies that create sensation in various industries in today's world, but for the communications industry, they are not alone. It is' natural language processing (NLP) that is supporting them and has even made their essence relate to the world of Public Relations (PR) and communications.Simply defined, NLP refers to the ability of a...

Best Apps to Give Contemporary Kitchen Design Ideas

Who doesn't love a well planned and organized furnished home? The kitchen is a part of your home where you have cabinets, floors, countertops, appliances, and many other things to manage. A well-designed modular kitchen not only enhances the interior beauty of your home, it also makes your lifestyle that much easier. This article will give you a list of some Android apps that will give you...

Kurt Johannsen, Engineer Extraordinary

The late Kurt Johannsen of Alice Springs ran a trucking service through the Central Australian outback in the 1950s. It was a trucking service with a difference, and that difference was Big Bertha, a former Australian Army truck from Diamond T. International towing several "Self-Tracking" trailers on a narrow, winding road, loaded with 700 empty fuel drums and was truly a sight to see.He was...

Do you feel bloated after eating that bagel? Read this!

Are you one of the millions of people who love bagels for breakfast or bread for dinner? Let's face it, bread is one of the staples in the food chain that has kept consumers hungry for centuries.So why is there so much talk about the adverse effects of gluten consumption? Bread is supposed to be good for you, right? This may be true for most people, but not for others who experience symptoms such...

I will never do it

During my childhood I was a feline person. We probably had about 6 or 7 cats before I graduated from high school. After meeting my husband in college, who had a dog, I quickly became a canine person. I discovered that I was very fond of dogs, but not just any dog; I liked large breed dogs. The bigger the better. The idea of ​​having a small dog, especially a Chihuahua, was incomprehensible to...

Celebrity IQ: True or False? To know the truth

When we are on a quest to improve our IQ, we can also feel eager to know the IQ of celebrities. Some of us are in awe of celebrities and would like to believe if they really have a high or above average IQ or are simply giving bytes of sound to the media based on their efficient PR. There are many well-known personalities who have always been known for their IQ. Some were born smart, while others...