How to hold your cards so others don’t see your hand

I'm a bridge player and one of the problems I get asked is how to hold your cards so that other players can't see them.It sounds obvious and easy if you're an experienced bridge player, but do you remember the first time someone gave you 13 cards and asked you to hold them in one hand? Do you remember how hard it was?Unfortunately, I can't add images to this article, so I can't show you how to do...

When Did Crowdfunding Become Popular?

Crowdfunding Become Popular One of the great innovations of crowdfunding is the ability to raise capital without having to give up an ownership stake. This is particularly useful for startups looking to start a business or a product that has a risky track record. The process relies on small contributions from a large number of people to help reach a funding goal. Although crowdfunding websites...

Quitting Your Addiction – The 5 Golden Rules

Rule #1- Forget willpower, your will is what got you where you are!Our addictions are such a powerful and relentless force that no one person can conquer it on their own. As soon as we accept this fact, and believe me it is a proven fact, then we will give ourselves a realistic chance to find recovery and overcome the bondage of self-will. If we try to delude ourselves that we can kick our...