Quitting Your Addiction – The 5 Golden Rules

Rule #1- Forget willpower, your will is what got you where you are!

Our addictions are such a powerful and relentless force that no one person can conquer it on their own. As soon as we accept this fact, and believe me it is a proven fact, then we will give ourselves a realistic chance to find recovery and overcome the bondage of self-will. If we try to delude ourselves that we can kick our addiction with our own willpower, we will stay sick in our sickness and continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, never staying clean for any considerable amount of time. It is essential to realize that it is “our own will” that led us to our addiction and our own will that kept us suffering. It is up to us, we will continuously look for different ways to use “successfully”, but this is nothing more than wishful thinking. This is the voice of our illness speaking about our weakness, telling us that we don’t have a problem or that we need our medications just to function or “keep up.” Our disease wants to keep us sick; it is too powerful for us to try to fight it alone. It takes us away from our family, from our friends and, in many cases, it is so powerful that it even takes us away from our children. Who in their right mind would give up the ones they love so much for drugs, alcohol or any addiction? The answer is simple: no one in their right mind would. However, when we are sick in our addictions, we are far from sane; in fact, our mind is no longer controlled by us, but by our addictions. Drugs are in control; they govern our day, our thoughts and all our decisions. We are not in control of our lives and are trapped in an endless cycle of sickness and despair. Surrender your will and miracles will begin to happen, I promise you firsthand.

Rule #2- You don’t have to do this alone. There are people who want to help you!

Our disease wants us to think we are alone, but in reality we are not alone at all, there are millions of addicts just like us and we need each other to beat this horrible existence. Millions of addicts have found recovery and today live wonderfully happy lives. Don’t you dare believe the old cliché, “once addicted, always addicted.” The lie is dead, and I am a living example. My life today is full of blessings and true happiness.

There is so much help available to us from other addicts who have found recovery and a new life for themselves, and dedicate their lives to helping addicts who still suffer. That is one of the main ways we stay clean, giving to others what was so freely given to us. There are 12-step meetings everywhere you look, at all hours of the day, every day of the week. At these gatherings you will meet others who once felt hopeless, but are now free. There is a loving code of acceptance for all who seek your help and want to be free from their addiction. People who understand us and love us unconditionally, without judging. Who better to help an addict than another addict who has been in their shoes and found the beautiful light at the end of the tunnel known as Recovery? No matter how bad you think your problem is or how low your addiction has taken you, there will always be addicts who were worse than you, felt more hopeless than you, but found serenity and sobriety just as you are about to.

Rule #3 – We must chase our recovery as hard as we chase our next high!

When we needed our medications, we would do whatever it took to get them. Now is the time to do whatever it takes to free ourselves from the bondage of our addictions. We must take that same intensity and perseverance and turn our addiction around. Just as nothing stood in the way of our pursuit of our next success, nothing can stand in the way of our ultimate recovery and happiness. We have to change everything. We can no longer associate with the same people who were part of our old addict lives. If we want to be healthy, we must not spend time with those who choose to stay sick. We can no longer visit the places that were part of our old lives as addicts. We must leave them behind if we want to move forward, no exceptions. And finally, we must change the things we used to do when we were still sick in our addiction. We don’t have to be in clubs, bars or anywhere that triggered our addiction. Everything changes for the better, but we better change everything from our sick and addicted days first. Holding on to reserves is a sure recipe for relapse and even more suffering than before. If we want to get our lives back enough, then we’re going to have to fight for it. That’s what this is all about, fighting for our life, our freedom, our loved ones and our happiness. This is a battle worth every bit of the fight! It’s time to live, instead of just exist. I fought this battle and was victorious, you will find the same wonderful results if you are really sick and tired of living your life in chains.

Rule #4- Work all 12 steps! – The secret to staying clean

It’s a wonderful feeling when we’re clean for a while and begin to reap the rewards and blessings of our victory over our addiction, but the journey is just beginning and we must take certain steps to maintain our newfound freedom that we have fought so hard for. for. We must understand that even if we have given up drugs, we will always be in recovery. Don’t take this as a bad thing because it is actually an opportunity for us to learn to live our lives to the fullest. It is a continuous education that helps us grow and leads us on a path of serenity and inner peace. The 12 Steps are a guide designed by those who came before us, outlining the steps they took to not only find freedom from active addiction but also to ensure that we never have to go back to our old lives. Getting clean was one thing, but staying clean is our ultimate goal. Never again will we have to go back to our old lives of self-destruction and despair. By working these steps, attending 12-step meetings, and helping other addicts who are still suffering, we give ourselves the tools we need to solve any problem in our lives without the use of drugs. This is not an option, because this is the only proven path that will lead us to a life of freedom and abundant rewards.

Rule #5- Always keep your gratitude! A grateful addict will never use!

Always remember where you were, all the horrible places your addiction took you. Stay humble and put your ego aside. Your gratitude will keep you clean! Your ego will send you back to the pit you once dwelt in. Never believe that you have your addiction defeated, this is a disastrous invitation to relapse. Always remember what your life was like during your active addiction. Keep it very green no matter how long it’s been clean. Never lose sight of your gratitude. By helping others in need, we keep ourselves clean. We are reminded of where we once were and remain grateful for our deliverance from our suffering and hopelessness. A grateful addict will never use! Life is yours for the taking, so take your new life and find your true happiness.

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