Shipping from the Gulf Coast: Honey Island Swamp

FOR ME, EXPLORATION HAS ALWAYS BEGAN AT THE END OF CIVILIZATION. In most places, one has to retreat from the neon signs and golden arches and out of the concrete jungle entirely to find nature. Generally, if I have even a bar of reception on my cell phone, I haven't gone far enough. Most populated places in the United States attempt to integrate wildlife into civilization in the form of "green...

Discover the Benefits of Video Marketing

Marketing has changed a lot over the years. While some of the traditional techniques are still in use today, the advancement of technology has given rise to some additional possibilities. Online video is one such development and in this article I will discuss the benefits of video marketing and why it is good for your business.Everyone uses a variety of marketing strategies and the goal is always...

Productive Domain Names: How to Choose the Right Domain Name for Your Site

The domain name is the identifying name given to a site so that it is clearly unique from the various sites on the network. It is important to have a domain name because the unique existence of your site depends on the domain name. A site can never complete its creation cycle without a domain name attached to it. Therefore, it is essential that you choose the right domain name to attach to your...

Resume writing – 12 tips

A resume is like a short story that grabs the reader and keeps them interested. This article features 12 surefire tips that have benefited hundreds—college students, clients, colleagues, family, and friends—regardless of field or professional level. They will surely help you too.12 tips· (Tip - 1) Prepare a short profile Start strong with a short profile, not a goal. Listing a target is a...

Affiliate Marketing Sales – 5 Tips to Explode Your Affiliate Sales Dramatically

There are many ways to increase affiliate marketing sales if you think about it. You can create a review page, optimize your traffic campaigns or find more traffic sources. You can target more niches or invest more in advertising. There are a multitude of ways to drive traffic to your affiliate offer, including banner advertising, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, and much more. It's...

Elements of an Exceptional Nursing Cover Letter

The nursing cover letter should be a powerful reflection of your skills, excellence, and previous experience in the nursing field. You must present your professional experience in managing nursing and health care functions. An effective cover letter focuses on your key skills required to carry out nursing operations and administrative skills. Therefore, a nursing cover letter should market your...

Why a tummy tuck is so cool

A tummy tuck is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures in the world, second only to breast augmentation and rhinoplasty. Such an operation, also known as abdominoplasty, is a procedure that drains excess fat from the abdomen, thus eliminating annoying and unattractive "muffins." Following your liposuction procedure, excess skin is carefully and meticulously removed before the surgeon...

What happens when you have an incorrect property title?

How can a land title become unreliable? How to protect yourself from the biggest problem of all: buying a house without having the legal right to do so? Well, first we have to clarify a very important aspect.The transfer of a property title in the US does not necessarily require the presence of a notary public or an attorney. You can write the deed yourself and then the buyer can keep it in their...

How to protect your family from childhood tooth decay

We always want to do the best we can when it comes to our family's health, but the amount of misinformation floating around sometimes makes it hard to know the right course of action to take. The occurrence of cavities in very young children has increased in recent years, at least in part due to the prevalence of fruit juices and other sweet drinks consumed by infants and young children, as well...