A change in vision can lead to many changes

Doing the same thing over and over again is pretty boring. Even if it’s something you like, you get tired of doing it day after day. I guess I’m not alone in this boat, slowly sailing towards madness. I will have many as company, fellow travelers around the world. Everyone should take a break and get away from it all, even if it’s just for a day. A day should be spent doing the things you love, a day when you have no responsibilities and come into existence as a carefree soul!

As a resident of Sydney, I have many options in and around my beautiful city. Asking my friends for suggestions ranged from the usual day at the spa with all the treatments, a relaxing lunch cruise on Sydney Harbour, getting lost in the nearby Blue Mountains and the like. I was a bit tempted by the idea of ​​a Sydney Harbor cruise because I wanted to experience what Jack felt in Titanic. Stand on the bow, absorb the scent of the sea and yell at the top of your lungs “I am the king of the world”! But come to think of it, doing the same thing in port would be like eating at Dominos and wanting an authentic Italian experience. Also, tourists in Sydney Harbor and cruise ship passengers can complain, interrupting my ‘my day’ cruise. It might even be on the news the next day: “Hysterical man removed from Sydney Harbor cruise ship!”

Also with the port full of noisy tourists, I decided to abandon the cruise plans. Not being an outdoor person, hiking in the Blue Mountains was also quickly abandoned. But, the sight of Blue Mountain there that I saw online, gave a new direction to my search for the perfect ‘day of mine’. My search turned into looking for a place with the best view in or near Sydney. A few clicks on the web and I found my sight, right here in the middle of the city, at the Sydney Tower.

Standing over a thousand feet above the ground, I was able to get a commanding view of the city in all directions. Seeing everything so small: cars, boats on the water, crowds enjoying the views of Sydney Harbor and cruise ships all made me realize the insignificance of life. You begin to think less about yourself and notice things that you have never carefully observed before, such as the blue of the sky, the patterns of the clouds, the deep and vast sea. All of this gives your life perspective, making you think about the big picture, making your problems in life seem so much smaller.

Now I have a new mantra to keep going in life: “When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.”

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