Alternative medicine treatment for C. difficile infection

This article may be for you or someone you love, it is for patients seeking help. Clostridium difficile has other names such as FDC, C. diff, antibiotic-associated colitis; colitis – pseudomembranous; necrotizing colitis. Unfortunately, the common treatment of C. difficile with antibiotics cannot prevent relapse.

This opportunistic infection causes diarrhea and is linked to 14,000 American deaths each year, and this is just an official statistic.

Some researchers suggest that C. diff is linked to more than 30,000 deaths each year in the United States, affecting about half a million Americans each year. It really is a superbug. Why is C.diff a superbug? For now, in the battle between antibiotics and C. difficile, victory is on the side of the resistant species of this microbe.

Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterium that causes watery diarrhea, bloody stools, fever, nausea, abdominal pain, or cramps. C. difficile can cause serious intestinal conditions, such as inflammation of the colon (colitis).

People in good health usually do not get sick from C. difficile. We can usually get Clostridium from food and water. 10% of the population have this microbe in the intestine without noticeable symptoms. A healthy person has a defense mechanism that protects them from this superbug.

Doctors and researchers are unanimous that C. difficile occurs mainly after taking broad-spectrum antibiotics and usually attacks people with low immune systems, such as young children, the elderly, and people after serious surgeries , chemotherapy, radiation, AIDS, alcoholics. ‘, etc. Many of them had C. difficile bacteria in their bodies before taking antibiotics, but felt fine.

Most specialists agree that prolonged broad-spectrum antibiotic use triggers C. diff infection by destroying friendly intestinal flora. These microorganisms are called friends, because “Enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Friendly gut flora is our best protection against nasty microorganisms like microbes, Candida yeast, and parasites.

Dysbiosis is the condition in which the friendly intestinal flora disappears and opportunistic infection takes over the gastrointestinal tract (Candida yeast overgrowth, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth; SIBO). There is a lot of information about dysbiosis, which I described in my e-book: Healthy Pancreas, Healthy You.

C. difficile is the opportunistic infection that grows when it has a chance to grow. Harmful intestinal bacteria, Candida yeast, and parasites will damage the wall of your intestine, making it vulnerable to multiplication (colonization) of C. diff. This superbug does not act alone. There is increasing evidence that other species of opportunistic infections, such as Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Candida-yeast, parasites, etc., are also responsible for the symptoms of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea.

When you have just killed C. difficile with strong broad-spectrum antibiotics or other antimicrobial agents, the relief will be temporary. Medically speaking, without the restoration of the body’s natural defense mechanisms, victory over these bacteria is difficult to achieve. Clostridium difficile infection causes a lot of damage to body systems; therefore, there is no magic bullet for this condition. There are a few things we can do simultaneously that would help with this problem.

• Restore friendly intestinal flora
• Restore the body’s natural defense mechanisms, such as heartburn, antibacterial actions of bile and pancreatic juice, intestinal inflammation
• Decrease colonization of C. difficile in the intestine
• Decreases intestinal inflammation and internal toxicity
• Repair damage from C. difficile toxins to the nervous and hormonal systems
• Increase immunity
• Normalize acid-base balance
• Improve digestion
• Replace the deficiency of vital substances

I’m sorry to say, but in the case of C. diff, the recommendations to take probiotics (many of them are poor quality) or eat yogurt won’t help. The analogy of the gastrointestinal tract with the garden may help. If the garden is full of weeds, caterpillars snails, frogs and is full of toxic chemicals, the soil is depleted and drained; there are no possibilities to grow roses and flowers. Different ways, hard work and some period of time are required to restore this garden to flourish.

Many times and for many years, I use this holistic, alternative, safe, effective and drug-free approach. Numerous parts of this unique Clostridium program have been widely used in other countries for hundreds of years. It can reduce diarrhea, pain, abdominal cramps, nausea, bloating, bloody stools, bowel urgency, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Laboratory tests may also show positive changes.

Some of these alternative holistic methods are:

1. Full body cleansing with colon hydrotherapy and restoration of friendly intestinal flora

2. Herbal medicine

3. Nutritional supplementation

4. Healing Food Consultations

5. Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water

6. Acupuncture and more

Diarrhea has accompanied humans for thousands of years. Thus, doctors around the world have saved the lives of their patients through the use of healing foods, herbs, minerals, colon hydrotherapy, etc. For most people, that’s understandable, but what about acupuncture? I have seen with my own eyes that a few sessions of acupuncture relieve diarrhea, even in young children.

Drinking healing mineral water sounds strange to ordinary people and medical professionals in the US, but it is common in Europe. The treatment of chronic diarrhea with healing mineral water from Karlovy Vary has a long tradition. The first medical book on this water was published in 1522. Since then, many articles, books and the clinical experience of European doctors support the healing action of Karlovy Vary healing mineral water on various digestive disorders, including chronic diarrhea.

Sick people drink this healing mineral water from a thermal spring or drink water that is prepared at home from genuine salt from Karlovy Vary thermal spring. This healing mineral water cleanses waste and toxins from the intestines, alkalizes bile and pancreatic juice, promotes the growth of friendly intestinal flora, and relieves diarrhea, gas, bloating, and abdominal cramps. I have written an e-book and numerous articles for individuals and medical professionals discussing this method of healing.

C. difficile infection grows year after year. Thousands of victims of this horrible infection use the common “find and destroy” therapeutic approach using strong antibiotics. If that doesn’t work, it makes sense to consider an alternative program to restore the natural defense mechanism. It works for many people with diarrhea after antibiotics. The goal is to find knowledgeable licensed medical professionals.

The information contained herein is presented for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information should not be used to take the place of the services or instructions of a physician or qualified health care professional.

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