Cracks at the corners of the lips and splits can often be angular cheleitis

Angular chelitis, also known as Perleche, cheilosis, or angular stomatitis, is an infection of the corners of the lips, and in more severe cases, the entire mouth becomes infected. The tongue eventually becomes covered and takes on a whitish hue.

He commonly suffers pain, especially from fissures or cracks at the corner of the lips. It becomes painful even when eating, since when opening the mouth the cracks open, in many cases bleeding occurs. The splits are generally sensitive to acidic drinks like orange juice.

An attack of angular cheitis is generally accepted to be caused by a deficiency of iron. However, an attack can be triggered by the onset of winter or a cold snap. Usually, if you go to the doctor, you will be offered and prescribed a prescription for 1% hydrocortisone, however, most patients report that their use of hydrocortisone has changed little or not at all, so most of the time the condition is allowed to continue because the victim gives up.

Most conditions are simply accepted and allowed to take their course. Some people have it annually, others have the symptoms almost permanently. Angular chelitis is not contagious, however, the most severe cases of infection often have a Candida fungal infection (candidiasis) that is contagious. The condition is not life-threatening, yet it is a constant source of discomfort and pain for sufferers. It can also be quite embarrassing in social situations, as legions are right in the face and look very unattractive. Most people with angular cheliitis would do anything to get rid of the painful and unsightly legions, when the affliction flares up at its fullest.

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