Dating Tips For Boomer Women: 7 Good Reasons Younger Men Date Older Women

There are countless reasons why a younger man might date an older woman from lust to love and many more. Here’s a list of seven that are the most likely from this dating coach’s perspective.

1) for lust

Maybe you’re just hot and he wants you. It’s not that bad when you think about it. After all, nature has played a trick on humans, with women reaching their sexual peak later in life and men earlier. So this is one way to balance things out! Not only that, but if a younger man finds you attractive, whether you accept it or not, the attention from him is flattering. Allow his self-esteem to grow as you feel like the attractive and alluring woman he really is. Enjoy it!

2) For fun

Cyndi Lauper says “Girls just want to have fun.” so go ahead and have fun with that younger man who might be looking for the same thing. Sometimes life gives you an opportunity just to have a good time. There’s nothing wrong with that either. That’s what the movie “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” is about. An affair with a young man returned Stella to the joys of life.

3) To escape the ticking biological clock

Women younger than 30 often worry about their body clocks ticking, and for good reason. If you want to have children, time is running out at some point. But with an older woman, he no longer thinks of “family” or already has her family, so the pressure on that young man disappears. With an older woman, you can actually sidestep the whole family thing and just enjoy yourself. And you can too.

4) For the state

Older women have more achievements. Today many women have power jobs and do a lot of ka-ching. And so, just like younger women dating older men, young men are looking for the other side of the traditional equation. And let’s face it, many of these “cougar guys” are looking for what older men have known for years. Dating someone younger will help you stay young and bring your excitement back.

Men have traditionally sought out the company of younger women, also known as “arm candy.” Now is your turn. If you want candy, go get some.

5) By Oedipus

The term for this classic psychological motivation was coined by our friend Dr. Sigmund Freud. The Oedipus complex is actually based on Greek mythology and a tragic play by Socrates. The briefest explanation, when a young man seeks the love of his mother, but from another woman. He maybe he admires you. Perhaps he appreciates your ability to nurture and the wisdom that only time can provide. Not that terrible actually. In fact, it’s flattering when someone looks up to you. One of the best ways to learn life’s lessons is through a mentor, and while playing the expert, you can enjoy the company of a younger man.

6) By Experience

A younger man who hasn’t been with many women wants to quickly learn the rules of the game. That’s when a teacher could really help. Bingo! Some young men date older women simply to gain experience. What service are you doing for the younger women he will come into contact with during his life. Many people enjoy the teacher/student relationship. Just keep it outside of the actual classroom and you’re ready for an eye-opening and inspiring situation. Also, this type of relationship gives you the opportunity to be in charge, which for some is a real treat. Why not show someone younger the inside track of romantic relationships and have fun at the same time?

7) For love

Last but not least, the guy could be dating you for LOVE. Some young men can’t help who they fall in love with. He saw you, he was struck by your beauty and charm, and he just fell head over heels. Happens. He really does. Just ask Aston Kutcher and Demi Moore, Katie Couric and Brooke Perlin, and many others. It’s all the rage in Hollywood and for good reason. Because this May-December romance that was once frowned upon and screwed up has now become elegant. Chemistry is something that cannot be easily explained. Also, I say, let’s do it for those younger men who have the good sense to fall for an older woman! They have excellent taste.

Stop worrying about what this young man sees in you, or what others think, and bask in attention. You deserve every flattering and delicious moment, so sit back and count your blessings.

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