Dating Tips For Men That Work

I have been completely useless with women in the past. Having spent many years of my youthful life failing with women, I decided to make a change. Now, after years of learning, trial and error, reading books, and developing, I have managed to become attractive to women and dating. In fact, I even train men one on one in the “field” just like the real life version of Hitch.

What follows is some dating advice that works:

Dating Tips 1:

The first 3-4 appointments are very important. Dating is like a game. If you play nice you should have been able to escalate to kissing and more. You see, within this time frame, the girl decides whether or not you’re worth it. If you have not climbed during these dates, it is very likely that you will enter the LJBF (Les Just Be Friends) category and getting out of it, my friends, is almost impossible.

Dating Tips 2:

Make the dates interesting. Avoid the usual dating scenes like movie theaters, clubs, and bars. Be unpredictable. Choose ACTION dates: These are dates with a lot of activity. The key word here is CHANGE OF PLACE. There are reasons for this. You see when we change scenes during a date; subconsciously we feel that we have spent much more time with the other person, therefore, we generate familiarity and comfort. This also has the advantage of making it more interesting.

Dating Tips 3:

For the screaming load, STOP with the gifts like flowers and chocolates. Because? They’ve only met briefly, and doing things like that is seen as APPROVAL SEEKING and suspicious. You could do these things after you’re in the relationship and want to show your appreciation, but too soon and you WILL KILL the ATTRACTION.

Dating Tips 4:

Not knowing that you are the MAN and she is the WOMAN. Like the man, you will take the initiative. Being the leader has many attractive qualities. In tribal times, the leader chooses all the women. This has not changed and is still in our subconscious programming. Women these days are still looking for those qualities in a man. So how do you take the initiative? Decide where you are going ahead of time and take the lead in decisions.

Dating Tips 5:

When a woman dates a man, she’s thinking “he seems nice, let’s find out more about each other”. Too many men view a woman they are dating as her potential WIFE. As you can imagine, this puts a lot of pressure on the guy. They become frigid and cannot BE THEMSELVES. My advice is DON’T DO IT. Have the same view as the woman. You’re evaluating it to see if it’s worth it. So kick back, relax and have fun.

Dating Tips 6:

STOP with the needy COMPLIMENTS.

“Oh, you are so beautiful today”

“Wow so beautiful”

This type of praise causes chills in the female COLUMN. You are there to find out more about each other and have fun. Dating her just because she’s beautiful lowers your standards and is seen as an insult by smart women. They think you’re shallow! DO NOT DO THAT. If you want to give a compliment, do something sincere and genuine. Always include a reason for doing it. For example, “I like your top, it goes very well with the color of your dress.”

I could go on and on about the do’s and don’ts of dating women. I’ve only touched on a few of the topics…

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