Exercise activities for seniors

Many people often gradually become less active as they age. We can’t move like we used to. That may be true, but as we age, we still need to exercise our bodies. Not only to keep us physically fit but to keep our circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems working. Exercise also boosts our immune system, helps increase our balance, and keeps us mentally alert. It also helps slow down the aging process. We don’t have to indulge in extreme workouts to get these benefits. There are many activities that are fun and also allow you to socialize with others.

Dancing is a great exercise. Line dancing, ballroom dancing, square dancing get your body moving and have the social element. There are many classes available to learn different steps depending on the type of music you like. Dancing will improve your balance and coordination and give you a sense of accomplishment as you perfect your skill. You can also dance at home alone with your favorite music and create your own steps.

Golf is another good activity if you don’t let it frustrate you mentally. Always do some light stretching in your legs, back, and arms before starting the round. Most courses have golf carts, but if you can walk during your round, that will add even more exercise. Even hitting a bucket of golf balls on the driving range two or three times a week is good exercise.

Riding a bike is a good cardiovascular exercise and strengthens the leg muscles. Short walks of 15 to 20 minutes three times a week are a good way to start.

Make sure you have a bike that fits your height and is in good working order. Always wear a helmet and carry water with you.

Swimming will exercise your body with a lower chance of injury. The water provides resistance as you move, but the strain on your muscles is much less than running, jogging, or biking. For that reason, exercising in a pool is great if you’re in a rehab program. Do not swim or exercise in a pool alone.

One of the best exercises for any age is simply walking. It can hold 1 or 2 pounds. weight in your hands while swinging your arms to add a little extra exercise for your arms. Many people will meet up with friends for regular walks and socializing. Having a dog will take you for a walk every day.

I recommend that if you are going to start an exercise routine, that you consult your doctor or care provider to make sure that your activity is not causing any harm or injury. Always start slowly and gradually increase the duration and intensity of each exercise session. Do something you enjoy and look forward to. Being healthy and fit will become your lifestyle.

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