Fan Vs Supporter – What’s the difference?

I’m not saying that one is better than the other, just that there is an important difference.

What is the difference between the two?

Well, it’s in the words. A fan likes something, a follower actively supports it. A regular fan wouldn’t drive 5 hours to support FC Bayern Amateure in the cold March rain.

What do Supporters do differently?

Passion. Dedication. Loyalty.

Take a club like Bayern Munich, for example. We have by far the largest number of fans in Germany, but only a small group of true supporters. Fans buy a lot of merchandise and visit home games, and they usually mean the team, not the club. The fan idolizes the players, but often knows little about the history of the club. When a club is not doing well, more and more seats will be empty, while the fan section is as full as ever.

the most mental

A Supporter loves the club, not the team and its players. Those are mercenaries who do not identify with the club and will be transferred as soon as more money is offered.

For a fan, the important thing is the club, not the team.

A fan sees this as a hobby or casual entertainment. But supporters take it seriously. No matter where or when the club plays, or how important the game is, the Supporter is there. Many times this means sacrificing other aspects of your life: work, school, family, friends. That’s because words like loyalty and honor still have meaning. A Supporter will defend the name of the club if necessary, without causing problems.
Supporting the club is a lifestyle.

The Supporter supports the team throughout the match, regardless of the score or performance. Because the team needs more support when things are not going well. That is not to say that discontent cannot be expressed. But the support of the team always comes first.

Simply singing or shouting is not enough. Every word spoken and every song sung must be filled with all the Supporter’s energy and passion. Even if the players on the pitch don’t care, it’s done for the honor of the club and for the honor of all the fans.

Sing until your lungs burn and you’re ready to throw up.

The fans look at everything the club does objectively and are not afraid to be critical. It is up to them to protect the values ​​and integrity of the club and carry them out through their actions.

If a club’s decision conflicts with the fan’s beliefs, but benefits the club in the long run, the fan has to put their own interests aside.

Everything the fan does has to be in the best interest of the club.

All of these traits are vital. I know people who went to every FC Bayern game but didn’t support. There were those who sang passionately, but only chose a few matches a year. Not to mention those who were too drunk to even enter the stadium, or those who just want to fight.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a war against partisans/ultras all over Germany. Clubs want to replace us with customers who shell out money without asking questions or criticizing. Club identities are slowly snatched away. But this is for another article.

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