Hoarding: symptom or condition?

Compulsive hoarding disorder is the inability to part with belongings and the hoarding of items (eg, paper, food packaging, duplicate items, miscellaneous items, biohazards, animals, etc.). Hoarding comes in various forms, varying from case to case. Some people constantly accumulate numerous household items and tools, some are unable to dispose of items that the average person considers junk, and sometimes some people acquire more animals than they can adequately care for. Unlike collections, hoarding is often unorganized and can interfere with daily life. These individuals with hoarding behavior are not “lazy” or “lazy”, but rather are experiencing the compulsions of a mental condition.

The hoarding condition makes it difficult for an individual to distinguish between “junk” and “treasure.” The individual will find that the items are worth more than they really are. Sometimes there may be a sentimental attachment to items, such as items that the individual associates with a lost loved one. Other times, the individual may believe that one day they will need the item and hold on to it “just in case.” In the case of animal hoarding, the individual may feel that these animals are being saved from a worse fate, not realizing that the failure to provide livable conditions and care is harming the animals more than helping.

Sometimes hoarding behavior can even be a symptom of another condition. One of these conditions is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). According to psychology todayOne in four people with OCD also exhibit hoarding behavior. Some people have the misconception that OCD means that the person is obsessed with cleanliness and therefore could never stand hoarding conditions. However, OCD is a disorder that takes many forms, one of which results in “pathological collecting.”

Clinical depression can also lead to hoarding behavior. Symptoms of clinical depression include but are not limited to: depressed mood, significantly reduced interest, insomnia, fatigue, and trouble making decisions. Due to some of the symptoms of depression, hoarding behavior may coincide, as the individual may have difficulty making decisions about disposing of items or lack the energy and/or motivation to maintain a clear environment.

Other conditions that can coincide with hoarding behavior are Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADD/ADHD can result in disorganization, lack of concentration, and difficulty staying on task. Such symptoms can make it difficult to maintain a home, not being able to concentrate and keep conditions organized.

If hoarding behavior is present, it is crucial to address all aspects of the behavior: the physical disorder and the psychological aspects that coincide with it. A professional heavy-duty cleaning company that specializes in hoarding and clutter cleaning can provide compassionate and effective services that will help restore delivery conditions. A mental health professional will be able to help with the psychological aspects of hoarding to minimize the chance of returning to hoarding conditions. Whether the hoarding behavior is due to compulsive hoarding disorder itself or a symptom of another mental condition, the right help can alleviate the hoarding situation and restore safety and happiness to everyone involved.

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