How to do push-ups if you have bad knees

One of my readers, who has been recovering his good form, posted a question about doing push-ups, even though he has bad knees. He wanted to know how he could still do push-ups, but avoid hitting the ground. Fortunately, I have an answer for your question.

For each standard exercise, there is usually a variation of that exercise that you can do. For example, when many people start out with regular pushups, they can’t do them very well because they don’t have enough arm and shoulder strength to push themselves up and down. In this case, you should start doing push-ups with your knees on the ground and increase to the point where you can do push-ups regularly. It won’t take long for this to happen, if you are exercising regularly.

If you have bad knees, you can do wall pushups. First, find the closest wall, which shouldn’t be too difficult. Then, place your hands on the wall in the same relative position that you would place them on the floor, that is, shoulder-width apart. Then move your feet back from the wall to create an angle.

When I started doing this, my feet were about 24 inches from the wall. As I got better, I started to progressively move my feet a little further back and now I can easily do it with my feet 36 inches from the wall. You lean against the wall, balance on the front of your feet, and begin to move, pressing up and down. Adjust your angle so that your back is straight, as if you are on the floor.

You can do almost any variation of push-ups this way and it won’t affect your knees at all. I’ve done a ton of variations this way, like military push-ups, wide-arm push-ups, diamond push-ups, fingertip push-ups, and … believe it or not … one-arm push-ups and even a arm, fingertip push-ups. At the moment, I’m working on one-arm, two-finger push-ups.

Exercise can be extremely creative, so don’t think that you can’t exercise just because you have a problem area. Because with a little imagination, you can avoid the problem area and make the rest run like a top. Many times this will even help the problem area.

Of course, if you have a very serious problem, you should first discuss what you are going to do with your doctor and get approval. There are many physical therapists and trainers who can also provide safe, alternative exercise programs to help you get stronger.

This morning, while watching Imus on Fox, he gave fish oil a huge cap. Since he was diagnosed with cancer years ago, he has changed his lifestyle completely and it seems that he has beaten cancer. Fish oil is a big part of her routine and she said it has made a big difference in the way she feels. Before being diagnosed with cancer, Imus, by his own admission, was a model for how NOT to be healthy and said he was very lucky to come out with just one warning.

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