How to Manage Workplace Stress During Tough Economic Times

During tough economic times, many of us experience some level of stress. For some the stress level may be mild and for others it may be much more severe. The economic turmoil we are facing, such as rising unemployment, foreclosures, loss of financial investments and retirement savings, bankruptcies, etc. it can force many of us to experience tremendous stress. According to, Yahoo has just announced that it is cutting 5% of its workforce, leaving many workers looking for new jobs. For those employees who survive these cuts, many will experience feelings of uncertainty that can lead to stressful work environments.

Although research shows that some stress can be positive and help us perform better, excessive or prolonged stress can lead to a multitude of problems such as: depression, anxiety, insomnia, medical problems such as high blood pressure, headaches, heart problems , ulcers and even death in some cases.

The key to managing your stress is to recognize and learn to deal with stressful situations. It is important to pay attention to how you feel and the physical changes that can occur when you are faced with stressful situations. Not understanding your tolerance for stressful situations and managing this pressure can lead to a lot of problems in the workplace and even possibly losing your job. Here are some tips that can help you manage your stress in the workplace.

start the day right
Starting the day in the right frame of mind can have a huge impact on how the rest of the day unfolds. For example, you may want to start your morning with calming or soothing music. Listening to music can be done at home before leaving for work or in your car or train on the way to work. The point is to choose music that calms you down and puts you in a more relaxed state.

Another way to start your morning off in the right direction is to focus. Focus on what you are grateful for and what you want from your life. Keeping a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life and/or the things you would like to get out of life can help you clear your mind of any negative messages and start your day on a positive note. For some, a vision board that illustrates the things we want from life through the use of images can be posted so you can see it every morning. The goal of this exercise is to place these lists, boards, or even sentences (on sticky notes) in areas where you will see them in the morning to help you focus during the day.

Going for a walk or meditating in the morning can also help manage stress. Connecting with nature can help clear your head and relieve stress before you start your workday. For those who like to meditate, the power of meditation can have a tremendous impact on creating a more stable and calm mind.

learn to say no
Often times, many of us tend to over-commit ourselves to projects or other work-related tasks. Particularly during turbulent economic times, we may feel a bit apprehensive about saying no, afraid of losing face or losing our jobs. However, for long-term success and managing our stress, it is vital that we maintain a realistic frame of mind and only accept tasks that fit into our schedules. Saying no and keeping an accurate picture of our workload allows us to spend the time needed to complete the projects we already have on hand. Taking on too much will create a demanding time constraint and a sense of failure as we are unable to complete these tasks. Saying “no” will not only provide us with a realistic workload, it will also give us a sense of empowerment or control over our lives. This sense of control can drastically reduce the stress we are experiencing.

When we currently have too much on our plates and realize that more work will be added, feelings of anxiety and tension can develop, leaving us with constant worry and more stress. It’s vital to understand your workload and delegate what you can to others to get the job done. Some of us have a feeling that we have to do it all or we may appear incompetent or just don’t want to give up control of getting our work done. However, allowing other competent people to work on tasks can release this feeling of having to do it all on our own by creating more control over our work environment.

Effective communication
Learning to communicate effectively with colleagues and managers can make a big difference in managing your stress. For example, when we fail to communicate our feelings or a specific message, it tends to manifest itself in us creating pressure or tension. If we let these feelings sit for a long period of time, we can begin to function with a very high level of stress, causing us to act or behave in ways that are uncharacteristic. It is necessary to focus on our thoughts and feelings and make sure that we properly communicate these messages to the right people.

Breaks and free time
Although taking vacations or other days off may not feel “right” during tough economic times, it’s important to take all the breaks and vacations we’re entitled to when managing our stress. Many of us need “mental health” days and by continuing to work every day without taking breaks, we become overworked and burnt out. Remember to eat lunch and spend time during this hour in a different environment outside of work. For some, exercising or playing sports during lunch can help many of us recharge.

Turn off distractions
Make sure you stay focused on work and tune out unnecessary distractions. Emails, the Internet, radio, and news sources can be unconstructive. The messages transmitted through this type of media during economic times like ours can be constantly negative creating a pessimistic attitude. Staying focused on the task at hand and eliminating any unnecessary distractions can greatly reduce your stress level.

leave work at work
Leaving “work at work” will help create a smooth transition from work to home. It’s so easy for many of us to take work home with us, especially in today’s age, with email, blackberry, cell phones, etc. but it is important to be in a different role at home to reduce stress. For some, simply changing their clothes when they first walk through the door will help make this transition go smoother. For others, being more aware that their work day is over and consciously transitioning from work to home will allow them to enjoy their evening, hopefully without stress!

Still, the key to managing your stress in the workplace is to be more aware of how you think and feel when faced with stressful or unpleasant situations. Using these tips will help you better manage your stress and create a more positive work environment.

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