How to spend a day at Wrigley Field

There is something special about a day at Wrigley Field. It is almost this spiritual feeling that is inexplicable. I think Cubs fans can agree when I say there’s nothing better than spending a Sunday afternoon at Wrigley Field. For Cubs fans, it’s much more than a game between two teams. It is more than the pitcher and the batter. It’s more than the ground ball or the home run. it’s the atmosphere. The atmosphere on game day is incredible. There are people of all ages walking down Chicago’s North Side in their t-shirts with smiles on their faces. Cubs fans are special. I feel like no matter how much I dislike someone, I can get along with them if they’re a Cubs fan. It is a special group of people who take pride in and enjoy Chicago Cubs baseball. Sometimes called the “lovable losers,” we Cubs fans love to have a good time at the ballpark and a Cubs loss will sadden us, but it will never ruin our day.

I’m not from Chicago, but I was born a couple hours south of the city and have been a Cubs fan since day one. As a child I will always remember my first match. I knew I was a Cubs fan before my first game, but I knew I was in for an experience I would never forget. Seeing the outside of Wrigley Field for the first time just sent chills down my spine. It seemed so hectic with all the people walking around in huge crowds, yelling and yelling, Come on Cubs! and many other songs. Standing in the long line waiting to get into the ballpark was very difficult because I was so eager to see what was inside. My first step into Wrigley Field took my breath away. I always saw the green ivy on TV when I watched the games, but there is nothing like seeing it in real life. It’s kind of a place and I’ll always have that mental image in my head for the rest of my life. Seeing ivy in person is almost a magical experience in itself.

Now, enough of my emotional experience at Wrigley, I’d like to share with people what a day at Wrigley Field should be like. Now, I may not state the best way to spend the day in the stadium, but I’m sure I think people will be able to relate to what I have to say. First of all, do your best to choose a hot summer day. Baseball is all about the summer months and it’s so nice to watch a game at Wrigley on a nice sunny day in July. I think every seat in the ballpark is amazing, but try to sit in the stands at least once in your life. It’s the best experience I’ve ever had at a Cubs game and I’ve done it multiple times. The “stand bums” are always screaming, yelling and having a great time no matter how the team is performing. Although it can get a bit crowded at times and a bit out of control, I highly recommend sitting in the stands. You will not regret.

There is much more to the game at Wrigley than just the game. Get to the stadium early and check out some of the local bars or restaurants. It’s really fun to see all the fanfare and history around the stadium. Personally, I would recommend fans to check out the “Cubby Bear” which is a sports bar that is right across the street from the ballpark. It’s always packed with fans from everywhere just trying to have a good time. Don’t be afraid to talk to people either. Cubs fans are very friendly and will love to talk about the game that day or what they think about the team during that time. I remember going there with my friends and having a lot of good times.

Now it’s crucial for any Cubs fan to attend at least one game in their life, but I’d like to talk now about a very special game. I’m talking about the Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Cardinals. The Cubs and Cardinals are known for having a friendly rivalry, but some would say it’s far from friendly, and I have to agree. The Cubs/Cardinals rivalry is not just a great rivalry in baseball, it is considered one of the greatest rivalries in sports. Cubs fans sometimes don’t even care how the team is doing as long as they beat the Cardinals. It’s a very heated rivalry and it’s a great experience watching the Cubs take on the Cardinals at Wrigley Field. I’ve only been to one Cubs game when they played the Cardinals and it was intense to say the least. Since St. Louis is so close, there were so many Cardinals fans that showed up at the stadium and almost split it in half when it comes to the number of fans on each side. Cubs fans hate the Cardinals and Cardinals fans hate the Cubs. So it is and always will be so.

Okay, I’ve shared a few experiences and a few other things, but basically the day at the ballpark is all about having a good time with family or friends. Get there early, eat something, drink something and enjoy everything the day brings. Take pictures and try to capture every moment you can. There’s nothing like a day at Wrigley Field. Bring your friends or family and enjoy a day at Wrigley Field you’ll never forget. And if you’re lucky, everyone will sing “Go Cubs Go!” By the end of the day.

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