Is it safe to go running during pregnancy?

While it used to be a fairly common myth that pregnant women shouldn’t exercise too much, that kind of thinking is starting to change. It is now generally accepted that a large number of types of exercise are not only safe, but also beneficial for pregnant women. A popular form of exercise is jogging, and women are finding that it’s great to do during pregnancy. With that said, there are a few things to keep in mind before beginning an exercise regimen during pregnancy.

Jogging during pregnancy is only something you want to do if you already have the habit. Now is not the time to start an entirely new exercise regimen. Being fit and healthy is very important to your pregnancy, but it’s important not to suddenly put even more stress on your body than it already is. If you’re used to jogging several times a week, it’s okay to jog during pregnancy. One thing that is important to note is that a sudden and dramatic increase in core body temperature can be harmful to the fetus. So no matter what type of exercise you’re doing, be very careful not to overheat.

Although this can be a problem at any time, running during pregnancy can be especially hard on your joints. In any case, your joints loosen up during pregnancy, so jogging during pregnancy can be particularly painful if you’re not used to it.

During the first trimester, keep a few things in mind before you head out for a run. Your body is especially vulnerable to dehydration during pregnancy, so make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after jogging. Be sure to wear a sports bra for extra support, as your breasts may be growing during this time, and make sure your shoes are especially supportive around your ankles and arches.

During the second trimester, you will be very aware of your growing belly. This can sometimes create problems with your balance, so keep jogging on flat surfaces. Jog on a track, if possible, and if you do fall, try to land on your side, or land on your arms so your abdomen is protected.

During the third trimester, it’s especially important to listen to your body. If you feel too tired to run during pregnancy, don’t. In fact, due to its increased size, you may find it too uncomfortable, so switching to brisk walking may be the best alternative.

Jogging during pregnancy can be a great way to stay fit and build your stamina for labor and delivery. However, if you’ve never done it before, now is not the time to start. The main thing to consider when running during pregnancy is your comfort and safety. Remember to keep your core temperature low, be aware of any balance issues, and make sure your gear is appropriate for your changing form. Even without trying too hard, your strength and stamina will increase tremendously.

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