Multiple box in World of Warcraft

This is how you start with Multiboxing

Getting started with multiboxing is much simpler than it seems. All you need to do is get Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software, sign up for the World of Warcraft accounts you want to use for multiboxing, create the characters and classes you want to use for your multiboxing team, and set up a couple of simple and easy macros to control them all. You don’t even need to pay for the additional accounts. World of Warcraft demo accounts work great to get an idea of ​​how awesome multiboxing is.

I’m not sure yet? So he reads on and discovers the secrets to earning thousands of gold every day. He learns to master arena and PvP with a multi boxing team. He figures out how to solo every instance of the game, including the Northrend heroics. Soon, you could be earning 5 times the gold, 5 times the experience, and 5 times the loot than your friends.

Why multiple box?

Let’s be honest. World of Warcraft can get pretty boring at times. You’ve done every instance, mastered every battleground, earned every achievement. However, you have not done it all on your own. Think of all the things you could accomplish on your own!

You could earn the gold you need for your epic flying mount, earn honor for your high-end PVP gear faster than anyone, and get any piece of gear you want from instances. And you can do all this on your own! No longer will you have to rely on horrible or elitist players to help you out. No more relying on whiners and anger dropouts.

Multiboxing is a fresh new version of World of Warcraft. The game is brand new seen through the eyes of a multiboxer. You get new challenges, new rewards, and enough gold to dive into McDuck.

earn a lot of gold

Right now, you can make maybe 300 gold by doing dailies every day. It’s boring and tedious and the same daily routine every day. However, you don’t need to be a slave to the same repetitive routine day after day. The key to quick and easy gold has been right in front of you. Get more players.

We all know that in World of Warcraft everything goes faster in a group. You earn gold quickly by completing daily quests at breakneck speeds in a group. However, in the end, you only take a fifth of what the group earns. Think about it. 80% of what the group earns will not end up in your pocket. You can change that by multiboxing with Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software.

By using multiboxing, you no longer have to share gold, loot, and honor with the rest of the party. You will no longer have to take your share of the gold and loot. With Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software you still have to take your part. All 5 of his actions. That’s right, all the loot is yours when you multibox! That means 5 times the gold, 5 times the honor, and 5 times the epic loot.

There’s a reason when you see multiboxers they always have the coolest and fastest mounts in the game. The secret is Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software.

Master PvP

PvP in World of Warcraft is fast, tough, unforgiving, and unforgiving. We’ve all had moments where that overpowered flavor of the month class has walked up and shot you twice. You are being run over by dominated classes. It’s not your fault though. Classes in World of Warcraft are not balanced. One class or another always dominates the scene. Now is the time to remove balance from the equation.

By multiboxing with Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software, you don’t have to rely on waiting for that brief moment in the spotlight when Blizzard finally blesses you with flavor of the month status. This is for a simple and easy to learn fact that we all learned in preschool. Five is more than one.

I’m sure that wizard could take you down with a couple of fireballs and a pyroblast. However, nothing survives 5x Lightning Bolts, or 5x DoT sets, or the crown jewel, 5x Chain Lightning. A single spell from a single class can be devastating to the enemy when its power is multiplied by 5. Now, imagine what a full set of spells and abilities will do when multiplied by 5x.

Oh no! That rogue is killing one of your boys! Don’t worry, sit back and relax as 5x Blast Wave or 5x Thunderstorm annihilate him and send his battered body into the air.

With awesome tools like Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software, you can join the ranks of awesome multiboxers who dominate PvP every day. Be the player who singlehandedly wins Alterac Valley. Be the dominant force behind a push in Wintergrasp. You can choose to defend or attack. Either way, you win multiboxing with Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software.

solo instances

You can run instances at your own pace, in your own way by multiboxing with Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software. You don’t have to wait half an hour for the dungeon queue to say when you can run heroics. You bring the whole team. You’re the tank, you’re the healer, and you’re the DPS, all united in one unstoppable force.

It grinds dozens of badges every hour. Get the best epic loot heroics can offer. Get unlimited amounts of fabric and other rugs. Get all the gold, all the badges, all the loot you want. All you have to do is get Pwnboxer – Multiboxing Software.

Every instance, every heroic, even every raid has been done with multiboxers. These have been run dozens, even hundreds of times by multiboxers. They earned tons of gold, loads of cloth and matting, and more loot than they can DE. All this because they can run at their own pace and not have to divide the loot into five parts.

Start multiboxing in just a few minutes!

Multiboxing may seem complex, but it is far from true. Pwnboxer – Multiboxing software can be set up in just a few minutes. It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Set up Pwnboxer – Simply point Pwnboxer to your WoW directory. Everything you need is already set up by default.

2. Login – Pwnboxer features commands to launch all the WoW games you’ll need for multiboxing with one click. Just sign in.

3. Set up your macros – You don’t need tons and tons of long, complex macros to get started with multiboxing. Most multiboxers start with a couple of simple macros:

The focus macro:

/target MainToon Name


Then the skill macro:

/focus assist

/launch DPSSpell

It’s as simple as that. Just go a little further with macros and you can master anything you come across.

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