Naturally heal wounds with Sidr honey

We all get hurt often, and we rarely take it seriously, because we don’t know how dangerous injuries can be for our body and how much risk it puts our body if not treated or healed in the right way.

Wounds are one of the leading causes of serious body infections and bleeding, and sometimes require a medical operation or several to heal, so whenever you are injured, you must take immediate action, whether your wound was a simple cut with paper or a deep cut. wound.

This article is to educate you about wounds and how you can tell if your wound can be treated at home or requires medical and operative help. Also, this article is to introduce you to Sidr Honey, which is proven to be the best natural cure for wounds.

First, you should know that if your wound is deeper than 1/2 inch, does not stop bleeding with direct pressure, or continues to bleed for more than 20 minutes, then it is probably something serious and cannot be cured at home, and you will need to look for professional medical help. But, if not, then all you have to do is wash the wound, disinfect it with whatever disinfectant you have, then press it directly and elevate it to stop the bleeding and prevent swelling, and last but not least, use Sidr Honey, which has a natural magical effect on wounds.

Sidr Honey is scientifically proven that it can heal wounds naturally, make scars disappear and even better and faster than some medicines, and of course, it is preferable for everyone to use natural remedies than to use chemical medicines, especially when it does not matter. effect.

A very old proof that Sidr honey is the best treatment for wounds and scars is found in the book The Honey Prescription, where it is mentioned that in the book Honey: The Gourmet Medicine, Joe Traynor tells the story of a veterinarian who served in the Bulgarian army as an officer during the Second Balkan War of 1913. His beleaguered platoon had found a small amount of honey in an abandoned farm. There was not enough food for the soldiers, but the officer decided to apply it to the wounds of some of his men, since medicine was in short supply.

The officer recorded the case of a soldier, whose infected foot had not responded to medication. War invalid S., 25, had a large scar on the back of his right foot. In the center of it was a three-by-three-centimeter ulcer, with a deep, shiny, grayish bottom, and thickened necrotic edges. The patient said that the wound has been in this state for three months… Twenty days after applying the honey ointment, the ulcer was healed.

But what is Sidr Honey? Where would you get it from? And how would you use it for wounds?

Let me answer those questions to clear things up…

What is Sidr honey?

Honey in general is vital for human survival, as it is a natural remedy for many diseases, and it has always been appreciated by wise people like the ancient Egyptians, Chinese monks, etc.

And Sidr Honey is considered one of the finest and most expensive honeys in the world. Its distinctive flavor, high nutritional value, and limited quantity make it very special.

It comes from Sidr trees (Ziziphus) that grow uncultivated in the desert areas of Yemen and other Middle Eastern countries, and has been the subject of research by many researchers belonging to famous research entities such as ResearchGate, ZUMJ., ELSEVIER. , Hindawi, American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, PHCOG J, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Science, International Research Journal of Pharmacy, and many more, all agreeing that it has a positive effect in all living beings, be they humans, animals or plants, and that it has also improved the health and mood of all those who used it and all the animals and plants that have been used for experimentation and has healed and worked on them as an antibiotic, antioxidant and medicine for wounds, stomach, skin diseases and also had a positive effect on the brain.

Not to mention, Sidr Honey is one of the most complex natural foods available today and one of the rarest too, and eating a tablespoon a day can make your body healthier and more vital.

How would you use it for wounds?

According to ResearchGate research (, using Sidr Honey topically on thermal wounds could heal them after 1-2 weeks, and that’s great, since thermal wounds are difficult to heal and it takes time to cure them. totally cured.

Also according to International Research Journal of Pharmacy, Sidr Honey is used as an antibacterial agent to improve wound infection, and it could be used both topically on the wound and orally, and the result will appear in a week to two week time.

And last but not least, DE GRUYTER’s research on the effect of Sidr Honey on wounds showed that Sidr Honey is an excellent wound care product, especially for infected wounds and for wounds in diabetic patients, and if used daily, the results will appear positively.

This is how you could use Sidr Honey with wounds, but buying Sidr Honey will definitely benefit you with liver problems, stomach ulcers, respiratory infections, malnutrition-related diseases, digestive problems, constipation, eye diseases, infected wounds and burns, surgical wounds (including caesarean section), and also to promote speedy recovery after childbirth, facilitate menstruation, strengthen the immune system, promote general health and vitality.

Sidr honey can also improve cellular health, increase nutrition and help your body fight disease and much more, so give it a try and protect your children and your entire family and enjoy better health.

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