NLP – 3 Ways to Raise Self-Esteem in Children with NLP

Raising kids is challenging and it takes work to raise smart kids. Not only intelligent intellectually, but emotionally and spiritually. Many people are surprised to think that they need a job. Well, I’m sorry to bother you a bit. Becoming a happy person takes work. Have you ever seen the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” with Will Smith. The message is simple and clear: work, work, work and work some more and you will have everything you want.

The same principle applies when you are raising children. I am going to give you 3 steps that you will follow to raise smarter children with neuro-linguistic programming techniques.

1. Manage your own emotions. The first step to raising children who obey you and with a healthy self-esteem is that you can manage and dominate your emotions. If you want your children to be confident, be confident yourself. Do you want them to shut up? Don’t yell at them. Keep calm first if you want them to calm down. What is the level of your self-esteem? Consider working on yourself first, rather than doing everything you can to change your children. In fact, it’s quite easy with the proper neuro-linguistic programming techniques.

2. Tell them the reason why. You are more likely to change a child’s behavior by explaining why than by asking him firmly to change the behavior. Teaching the why is teaching a principle behind the behavior. Teaching principles and values ​​has more effect in changing behavior than just talking about behavior. That is the value-behavior relationship of the 6 logical levels, one of the many great neuro-linguistic programming techniques.

3. Redirect your attention. This works wonders with young children. When they cry, instead of yelling at them to stop crying, and I’m guilty of that, sometimes it just redirects their attention. Quickly ask them to look at something else, or listen to this other sound. Repeat the process several times if it doesn’t work once. This has 2 effects on yourself: you become more creative and you take pride in yourself because you are conquering your emotions. You are dominating them. Happiness! There are many more neuro-linguistic programming techniques to help you master your emotions very easily and quickly.

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