P90X – Is this training for you? Week 2 (Exercises)

For today’s portion of P90X, I’ll do a brief overview of some of the exercises associated with P90X training. I’ll group the main exercises into categories and explain in more detail the purpose of each exercise and whether it will work for you.

General exercises: These are the exercises that are the foundation of any training program. They are beginner level and the execution of technique and form are quite easy.

Body Endurance: Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Push-ups, Dips

These types of exercises work well for some and poorly for others. People who do not have the ability to do the full body resistance exercises will have a hard time getting through a full workout. Also, people strong at these exercises that go beyond the rep range will have a hard time staying in the target range unless they have the proper equipment. Lat Pulldown is a good replacement for someone who can’t do pull ups or chin ups and may just be a band hanging from a bar.

Band Weight/Resistance: biceps curl, shoulder press, triceps kickback, fly, squat

These exercises are generally used with dumbbells, bars, pulleys, or bands. These are all quality exercises that are best used in a free weight setting (without using a machine). If money is an issue, buying different resistance bands is an inexpensive option and can mimic almost any exercise that can be done on home weight machines.

Plyometric exercises: These are more intermediate exercises with the goal of improving power. The difference between strength and power is that when you recruit a muscle to move a force, the body uses type I fibers to exhaustion and then begins recruiting type II fibers. Power, on the other hand, is a speed move that can go right into recruiting Type II fibers. Examples of power moves are: pitches in baseball and dunks in basketball.

Jump Squats, Plyo-pushups, Pitch & Catch, Gap Jump, Rock Star Hop

These exercises can do wonders for your vertical jump and explosive power in sports. Power is also essential for seniors and the elderly for reaction time. This allows them a better chance to catch themselves before they fall and prevent hip injuries. Medicine balls are great tools for various power exercises for everyone!

Next week we will talk about nutrition and supplements.

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