Six massage techniques to remove scar tissue

Many people have at least one scar on their body, whether from a cut, burn, or surgical incision. Since most scars usually blend into the skin, many people who have them may not even remember they exist, and probably don’t think they can do any harm. Depending on the severity of the wound, a scar can hinder circulation to the area, posing future health risks. Body workers may work on scar tissue to increase blood flow around the scar, making it softer and more flexible.

Massage therapists are sure to find clients with all kinds of scars. Scars can be any shape or size and develop anywhere on the body as a result of a burn or laceration. Some in the medical field believe that scar tissue can cause serious health problems down the road, prompting the need for immediate scar care.

Since scar tissue forms over a wound, massage therapists must use extreme care and a gentle touch when performing any type of massage on the area. Such precautions make Lymphatic Drainage Massage, with its focus on increasing circulation and light pressure, a perfect modality for working on scar tissue.

Depending on the size of the wound, the scar may become dry and hard, and the surrounding skin may have difficulty moving or stretching. Lotions, oils, and heat therapy are very therapeutic and can help relieve discomfort and increase scar flexibility.

Scars can inadvertently cause a variety of health problems, including numbness and nerve pain. Through stretching, warming up, and gentle massage, bodyworkers can effectively treat these ailments. If they are done early enough in the development of scar tissue, they may be able to prevent these health problems from occurring.

Learn more about specific techniques you can use to help decrease the chance of health risks developing as a result of scar tissue.

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