The Medifast Program: How To Deal With Carbohydrate Cravings With Medifast

Are you worried about carbohydrate cravings during the Medifast diet? Take it easy! For most dieters who use Medifast for weight loss, carbohydrate cravings are typically only a problem for the first three to four days at the start of their diet. After that, mild ketosis begins and that should reduce any cravings for the kinds of things that could hinder your weight loss, like donuts, hot bread, and pasta-filled pasta bowls.

Still, it doesn’t hurt to have some tips to get you through those first few days, so here’s how to deal with those carb cravings while taking Medifast.

First things first, make sure you have your plans in place for the first few days. Clean out the cupboards of any particular foods that are especially troublesome for you and shop for your lean and green meals. Plan ahead and figure out what you are going to eat for your lean and green veggies and that should help a lot.

Make sure you eat all five Medifast meals a day, but don’t eat any of the bars. While Medifast bars are perfectly appropriate at any point in your diet, if you’re particularly concerned that carbohydrate cravings might deviate from your intentions, it wouldn’t hurt to leave them alone for now. Just take a few days to adjust to the diet before adding them to the menu.

Also, be sure to eat all six meals a day, even if you are not hungry. Making sure you eat the right foods at the right times will keep you on track. So be sure to eat your six Medifast meals and your lean and green.

Drink more water and try to space your meals no more than a few hours apart. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day is an important part of any diet. It will also help curb your appetite. But in addition to drinking water, pay attention to how you distribute your meals.

With six opportunities to eat each day, it should be fairly easy to ensure that no more than three to four hours pass between meals. Aim to stick to three hours and you will find that by the time those carb cravings kick in, it will be time to have another Medifast shake and you can calm your appetite.

Now this is all good advice for the entire duration of your diet, but if you pay special attention to them for the first three or four days on the Medifast plan, it should really make it a lot easier to deal with any carb cravings that arise . . After that, if you stick to the plan, you probably won’t have to worry about those cravings at all as you continue with the program.

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