Top 5 Reasons Why Marriages Break Up

Love: Yes, I mean love. I know you are wondering how love could cause a breakup. Love is believed to be the basis of marriage. It is love that produces marriage. You only get married when you realize that you love someone else like yourself. You can’t marry someone you hate. Unless it’s for some other reason. When the sweet love they once shared turns sour, the marriage is on the verge of falling apart. How will one live with a person who feels so much? It is impossible, and that is why most couples choose to separate and go their separate ways. Every human being wants to be loved. therefore, where there is no love, couples never stay together for long.

In laws: What role do the in-laws play in your marriage? Well, there is no marriage without in-laws. When couples get married, they automatically get in-laws. Some of these in-laws are the best and some are the worst. One might wonder if they ever wanted their son/daughter to get married. They interfere a lot with the marriage of their children/brothers/sisters. Who is to blame in this case? In most cases, it is the in-laws on the husband’s side who bring all these problems. In such cases, the fault lies with the man. He must defend his wife from him at all times, even if she is wrong. He must not be the one who incites his people against his wife. I’m sorry to say this, but some husbands have the audacity to speak ill of their wives to their families. Tell me, won’t your in-laws hate you when they hear such bad things about your own husband? If you allow your family to interfere so much in your marriage, know that in time, his wife will tire of it and leave you.

Infidelity: This is the worst of all. Nobody wants to be cheated on by the partner, in fact, if the other party finds out, there is no forgiveness. When a man discovers that his wife is cheating on him, he can do his worst to the man involved with his wife. Women are indulgent. For their part, they may forgive their husbands but they will never love them again. Some women end up choosing to leave the man and even file for divorce.

Let’s compare: This is a very painful reason for breakups. When a spouse chooses to constantly compare their spouse to another, it really hurts a lot. Even though the one who does it, he could be doing it without knowing it. In some cases, the spouse making these comparisons is aware of it and usually does so on purpose to hurt the spouse. In some cases, the target spouse may try to measure up to the partner being compared to, and if the sacrifice is not noted, this can lead to a breakup.

Physical, emotional and mental abuse: This is one of the main causes of marriage breakups. One partner could be abusive to the other partner. This could be physical/emotional torture. An abusive spouse is worse than a murderer. The reason is that they often use intimidation and manipulation to keep the abused partner under control at all times. They are sadists! They never want to see their spouses happy! They beat them up, call them all sorts of abusive names, and even make the other partner feel worthless and unworthy. With such, the marriage will definitely break up, especially when the abused gets tired of being constantly abused.

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