Types of geothermal heat pumps

You may have heard of harnessing geothermal energy. You would also like to install a system on your property. But do you know that not all units and mechanisms that are available with such systems can be installed in your home? There are several types of geothermal pumps. Consequently, there are also several factors that determine the type of pumps you should install.

Basically, there are four types of pumps that work using the heat from the earth’s crust. All of these four types of pumps are effective in different circumstances. Some of the factors that go into determining the type of system to use in your home are soil conditions, weather conditions, the amount of area available for installation, and the cost of the initial installation.

You should remember that installing systems that harness energy from the earth’s crust in ‘hot spots’ is advantageous, for example having a geothermal system in York, Pennsylvania would be beneficial as this location has the advantage of being a hot spot , where the magma in the Earth’s crust is not too far from the surface. However, regardless of the position of the magma, you can harness the energy from the core’s heat for commercial and residential applications.

Types of geothermal system

Horizontal: This type of installation is the most profitable. Therefore, these types of systems are more feasible options in residential installations. However, you must ensure that there is enough area available for the configuration.

Vertical: As the name implies, it requires less area than horizontal ones, but the pipes are placed deeper into the ground. It is an appropriate system for large commercial buildings or multi-story residential complexes.

Pond or lake system: This system takes advantage of an existing body of water in the vicinity of the installation. In this one, a pipe runs underground from the building to the body of water. The tube used is rolled in concentric circles to prevent freezing.

The open-loop system: In this system, well water or body surface water is used as the heat exchange fluid inside the pipes. This water is used to absorb the temperature below the ground. This system is feasible if there is an abundant supply of clean water to power the mechanism.

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