Ways to improve your voice projection

In the world of business and education it is quite common practice to give a speech in front of colleagues or contemporaries. Whether while climbing the business ladder or as part of the learning curve in these situations, giving a speech and expressing a point of view is a necessary part of life. For some it is quite natural and they enjoy the spotlight, but for others being the center of everyone’s attention is hell.

Effective communication during a speech can depend on quite a few factors, of course knowing the subject goes a long way with confidence, but knowing how to control your voice in these situations while maintaining good posture and body language can certainly put you ahead of the pack. .

When public speaking it’s easy to feel like everyone is judging your every word, but that’s probably not the case. You have to remember that the audience has probably heard a lot of people speaking in public, you’re not doing anything out of the ordinary. Although some say that you should imagine that everyone is naked to get over your fear, or it might help to look at the back of the room, not at the faces looking back at you, this is not always a good practice and what works for one person might not be. for others. other.

Always try to sound cool about what you’re saying, don’t mumble or ramble. Be clear and positive, without using terms like “and erm” or “you know what I mean,” and don’t apologize for what you’re saying.

If you have done your research or perhaps are talking about your own work, then you can rehearse your presentation several times beforehand so you know what to say, how, and when.

Speech pronunciation techniques to remember.

1) Stand up

For voice projection, it’s best to stand up while speaking with your feet hip-width apart, weight evenly distributed. Try to avoid rocking, rocking, tapping, or pacing. Movements like this distract listeners from your message and are a sign of nervousness.

Stand tall and powerful as if you are in command now, great posture conveys confidence before a word is spoken.

2) Project your voice

Fill the room with your voice Project your voice speaking from the diaphragm and not from the throat. This ensures that your voice is at the lower end of its natural range and that you are grounded. A grounded voice allows you to project without straining or getting hoarse.

It’s a good idea to speak quite loud, in fact, speak louder than you think you should. It’s almost impossible to be too loud. A booming voice of command is hard to ignore, and in the situation of listening in large groups or gatherings, it’s all too easy for your audience to tune out after a while.

3) Smile

Show your teeth and let them know you’re not afraid. Smiling not only makes your voice more pleasant to hear, it also conveys confidence. Even if you are anxious and terrified of public speaking, no one will notice if you have a smile on your face. He will appear friendly, approachable, and collected.

4) And… Breath

Use…long…pauses. Lots of people turn sentences into sprints and fill time with junk words, like “um,” “ah,” “you know,” “sort of,” “like,” “so,” and “okay.” These clothes make the speakers sound unprofessional. It’s like her brain can’t keep up with her mouth. If you suffer from this, you should start correcting yourself in all conversations and enlist the help of friends, family members to point out when you slip up.

If you lose your train of thought, don’t apologize, this will only draw attention to your mistake. A brief pause to find your place in your notes or take a sip of water to regain your composure can often add more conviction to what you say if you say it with confidence. Actor Christopher Walken is well known for his charismatic pauses while acting, which he has turned into an art form.

5) Focus your attention

Make long-lasting eye contact with an audience member for five to seven seconds, maybe longer than you think you should. Then go ahead and keep your gaze on someone else in a different part of the room. Prolonged eye contact builds rapport by giving audience members the feeling that they are engaged in an intimate one-on-one conversation.

Avoid scanning the audience without stopping to look directly at anyone, and don’t make selective eye contact with the two or three people in the room who are paying close attention. Ignore the suggestion to look at the back of the room instead of your audience to reduce nervousness; It may be the easiest speech you’ve ever given, but it will also be the least engaging. The audience wants you to talk to them, not at them.

Remember these five trust and delivery tips. Master them and you’ll have the confidence to speak up and excel in any situation.

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