What free witchcraft spells to choose and how to make them work

Free witchcraft spells are everywhere, so it can be a bit confusing to know which ones to choose, and more importantly, what to do with them afterwards! So I thought I’d put together a free general witchcraft spell guide to give you an idea of ​​what to expect and what you should do with the spell when you’ve made your choice.

1) First of all, you must be very clear about what you are looking for and the purpose for which you need it. The most advanced witches derive most of their power and success from writing their own spells and much of this comes from the individuality of the spell. So make sure you spend a little more time to get the free witchcraft spell that really suits your needs. You will reap the benefits in the long run.

2) Speaking of individuality, it is possible to tailor spells if you find you want something a little more complex or specific than what is offered. Don’t expect immediate success with this if you try it, and more importantly, keep it simple to avoid stretching yourself too thin. You don’t want to go playing with powers you don’t understand yet. But to add a touch of your own essence to the mix, you can take the basic free witchcraft spell and add a statement of intent. This is a pre-written statement prepared by yourself that includes what you want to achieve, the ways you hope to achieve it, and specific details of the outcome. So an example is: you want to find love, you hope to find it while doing a creative writing course, and you would like to be in a relationship next Valentine’s Day. Something in this sense.

3) Go for a free witchcraft spell that speaks to you. If something jumps out at you on the page or you feel a sense of excitement around it, then this is clearly the one for you. Don’t ignore your instincts as they will be critical to your success and one of the most important parts of you at work when you cast your free witchcraft spell, more powerful than words or ingredients themselves.

4) Don’t get carried away by claims of instant success. Spellwork is just that: work. It can take time and effort to master the art of magic, so if you don’t succeed at first, try, try again! You will start to recognize the feelings of when you are working well and making a difference, so don’t give up so easily.

5) Do not try anything that will produce a negative result. Wiccan’s triple law comes into effect here, which is that whatever you put out into the universe comes back to you 3 times more powerful. Great when you are doing something good or virtuous, but think about the consequences of trying to cause harm to others.

6) Observe the time of the season or lunar cycle that is recommended in your chosen free witchcraft spell. People often ignore this and consider it of little importance, or they are simply too impatient and want to see results immediately. However, our responses to lunar cycles in particular are ancient and inherent and cannot be easily dismissed. If it says that you need a full moon to perform the spell, then you will need to tune in to this power and take the opportunity to cleanse new beginnings.

7) Set up a quiet space to do your free witchcraft spell work. Prepare your ingredients and lay them out ahead of time so you don’t interrupt the flow of energy you’ll need to fumble around creating what you need. Arrange your candle, write the spell on a piece of paper, place the ingredients and herbs in the order you need them. You’ll appreciate the foresight later!

8) Prepare in advance. Don’t try to make the spell work when you’re stressed or have 15 minutes before running off again. It should be dedicated time so take a relaxing bath, meditate, or do something that clears your mind.

9) Enjoy what you are doing. It should be freeing and satisfying; Apart from your spiritual journey. As these feelings and emotions are positive, they will increase your ability to channel your innate powers, thus contributing to the success of your free witchcraft spell.

I hope you found these tips useful. for some

Free spells to try, click the link to visit my blog.

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