What is a Facial Aesthetic?

Facial Aesthetic

The term ‘facial aesthetic’ refers to non-invasive facial treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. By softening expression lines and enhancing features, facial aesthetics reduce the appearance of ageing to help you look your best.

The field of facial aesthetics is delicate and requires a high level of skill to achieve natural looking results. Skilled practitioners use a combination of facial anatomy, aesthetics and personalised patient assessment to enhance the patient’s features in line with their unique beauty. This approach is at the core of Dr Nina Bal’s philosophy, and it is what sets her apart as a leading practitioner in the London area.

Dr Nina understands that there is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to facial aesthetics and that each person is different. She will work with you to create a holistic treatment plan that takes into consideration your specific concerns. She will then use her extensive knowledge and expertise to deliver the most natural-looking and best possible results for your face.

Many people opt for facial aesthetic treatments to improve the way they look and feel about their face, whether it’s a blemish, wrinkle or crooked nose. This may be because they are concerned about social pressure to look a certain way or because they think that it will make them more attractive.

What is a Facial Aesthetic?

Facial aesthetics treatments are a non-invasive, quick and effective solution to soften lines and wrinkles, fill in acne pockmarks, contour the face or sculpt the lips. Many patients find this an attractive alternative to cosmetic surgery, because it is a more cost-effective option and provides immediate results that can be topped up as needed.

Injections are the most common method of facial aesthetics and include anti-wrinkle treatments and dermal fillers. Anti-wrinkle injections are a popular treatment to target frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet. These injections work by blocking nerve signals to muscles to relax and smooth lines. Dermal fillers can also be used to plump the lips, store volume in cheeks, refine the chin or add definition to the jawline.

Both of these treatments require minimal downtime and the effects last up to 12 months, depending on how often the treatment is topped up. Facial aesthetics can be used by anyone who is not pregnant or breastfeeding. It is important to have a thorough consultation with your doctor before having facial aesthetics treatments as there are some conditions that could preclude you from having these treatments, including if you have neurological disorders.

Like many other consumer products, facial aesthetics treatments are subject to regulation and have specific legislation that dictates who can administer them and how they should be done. This is important for the safety of the client, and it ensures that you have a good hunch of what your rights are should something go wrong with your treatment. Dentists are exceptionally well-qualified to perform facial aesthetic treatments, because they have a very intimate understanding of the face and its muscles and movements. This gives them the skills and confidence to safely and effectively deliver aesthetic treatments.

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