What is the 23rd reason why you can’t find love?

Reason number 23 is something that is popularly known. You may wonder why I didn’t mention it already. Reason #23 why you can’t find love is because you love drama.

I’ve met people who seem to love drama so much that I’ve told them they hate the idea of ​​being happy. So they do everything to kill their happiness. When they succeed in killing their own happiness, they are upset because they are happy that they succeeded in killing their happiness. Now they are upset because they are now happy and they will have to do something to ensure their own unhappiness.

While that may sound like a crazy way to live, some people seem to be living exactly that strategy. They are already angry, sad, unhappy, etc. They just look for a reason to express it. It makes you wonder what kind of mindset you have to have to live that way.

It seems that people who grew up with drama at home will look for drama everywhere they go. Psychologists have something called repeating childhood. That means that the activities that occurred in your home as a child have become part of your education for life. Because it’s what you learned at a young age, you’ll likely repeat it later in life as an adult. If you think about it, if you only learned English at home as a child, it’s the only language you know. So if drama is all you saw as a kid, it’s all you know. You can believe that it is normal.

Some people get nervous when there’s no drama. They will create some to keep them in their comfort zone. This is not malicious. It’s all they know.

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