WoW Wool Cloth – The Best Locations To Farm Wool Cloth In WoW

Learning how to farm woolen cloth is one of the easiest ways to make gold within World of Warcraft, even for players who may be new to the game.

The reason is simple, because woolen cloth is not as abundant as silk cloth and because many players want to improve in professions like tailoring, the demand for this cloth has resulted in inflated prices on the auction house.

So what are the best places to farm WoW Woolen Cloth?

1. Darkfang Keep. While this is an instance dungeon, if you have a high level character this is by far one of the best places to farm this cloth. The main reason I think this is the case is because of the percentage chance that a level 19 twink weapon can drop and sell very well on the auction house.

2. Deadlines. Another instance that is more accessible to alliance players, but if you like to play the horde side, all you need is a short swim off the coast and you’re in. Again, if your level isn’t too high, don’t worry, here are the two best instances where you can easily farm WoW Woolen Cloth.

3. Bael Modan in the Southern Barrens. This is the digging place and what makes this place so good for farming is the high respawn rate of the dwarves found here, and nowadays you can almost farm this place with comfort.

4. Mossfur Gnolls in the Wetlands. This is by far the best place to grow wow wool cloth. These gnolls have an incredible respawn rate, making it literally impossible to take them out fast enough before they start to recover. Hit the sweet spot here and you’ll soon be rolling in gold.

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