Auto Insurance, Gas Prices, and the Economy

I don’t know about you, but every time I’ve paid another bill and the financial situation seems to smooth out a bit, there’s always some other financial hurdle to jump over again. Take the recent rise in gas prices. Although some claim that it is negligible, this is definitely not the case. On top of the usual homeowner stuff and business maintenance and insurance costs, as well as car maintenance and coverage premiums that never add up, the price jump hits us all hard.

While diesel truck drivers may rightly complain about steadily rising costs, the average car, truck, motorcycle, ATV, RV, or ATV now takes a painful slap to the wallet. Economists, as well as major insurance companies, will tell you to fight back.

counterattack? How do you go to war with gasoline bombs?

That is how:

1. When shopping for a new car, select one that has excellent mileage history.

2. Research gas prices and patronize the pumps that offer the best rate per gallon.

3. Be consistent with car maintenance practices: change oil and filter as recommended and change air filter per car manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Check your car’s fan belt. If it’s installed too tight, make sure it’s loose enough so your engine won’t work overtime and neither will your gas level.

5. Keep an eye on all four tires and tire pressure. If you’re low on air, your gasoline will unfortunately also go the extra mile.

6. When the summer heat is too much to bear, use your vehicle’s air conditioning. However, if you’re okay with the windows down, turn off the air conditioning. Note: this is only fiscally advantageous on city roads; Driving with the window open on the highway only increases overall liability for vehicle drag and engine effort, requiring an overdose of gasoline usage.

7. Avoid unnecessary loads on your car, as the extra weight makes your car run hard along with the need to use more fuel.

8. If you can avoid the busiest times for motorists on the road, by all means, do so. Driving at rush hour, with all the stop-starts, affects your gas levels.

9. Carpooling is sensible, especially when there is a group that goes to the same place of work or school every day. You will not only save on gasoline, but also on the wear and tear of daily use of the car and the risk of accidents or collisions.

10. Instead of driving everywhere, try to incorporate healthy walking and biking. You’ll be doing your physical well-being, as well as your gas tank, a tremendous favor!

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