How to improve your cycling speed and endurance

Cycling is a very popular sport. Just look at the Tour de France and the sheer number of racing bikes that are sold each year. In summer we all want to do our best and some of us decide to start riding a bike. But how can beginners and professionals improve quickly?

1. Get a good bike. A good bike is very important. Try adding 2 kilograms of weight to your two wheels and ride your daily routine, you’ll know what I mean. Trek bikes are generally well received, but they sell for high prices. Try to get the best possible bike for your price range. Read reviews, request test drives, and keep an eye on the development of new models coming out. The important things to consider are the weight, the material the frame is made of, the aerodynamics and the number of gears.

2. Drive at comfortable speeds for long periods of time. Don’t train by riding 10 minutes at ultrahuman speeds. This will not improve your cycling, but will only build the big muscles needed for running. Drive at a comfortable speed for several hours to achieve the best results. Don’t get too comfortable though, make sure you’re tired by the end of your workout; otherwise, increase your pace.

3. Eat healthy and get enough sleep. Eat lots of vegetables and don’t drink too many soft drinks. An unhealthy lifestyle will limit your training progress as well as your overall fatigue. Another important factor for optimal training progress is the amount of sleep. During sleep, muscles recover and grow when they have been very tense. If you sleep less than the recommended 8.5 hours, your muscles will have less time to recover and less time to grow.

4. Do other activities. Playing other sports or doing other activities will really help your fatigue. Play soccer with your friends or try tennis for a chance. Your body will be exposed to a new activity that requires other strengths. New muscles will be used and trained to help you with all of your life activities.

5. Be mentally at your best. The performance of your body will not only depend on your physical power but also on your mental abilities. Fear can lead to tremors and other negative effects that limit your optimal window of fatigue. Try to improve yourself mentally by overcoming the fears you have and limiting stress. Stress limitation can be achieved by reducing the workload or by doing exercises like yoga.

6. Wear good equipment. Have you ever tried to ride a bike in years? Then in shorts…it’s a world of difference. For the best performance, go for the tight shorts and tight jersey that all pro cyclists wear. But don’t use it if it makes you uncomfortable. Because this will have a negative impact on your cycling.

7. Get the click shoes. Get the shoes that click on the pedals. Having these shoes will come with several advantages. First, they’re thin, so they really let you feel the pedals. Second, it’s glued to the pedals so you can push and pull the pedals up and down. Seriously, this could improve your performance by up to 20%.

8. Train your whole body. Have an extremely low fat percentage. It’s not about being the lightest or having the most muscles. It’s all about having a good balance between muscle and weight. Try to go for a low fat percentage and a good muscle pack in your upper body and core. Obviously, the leg muscles are the most important, but don’t neglect other areas because they will come back to haunt you.

9. Don’t always drive the same route. Variation is very important. You must not allow your body and mind to follow the path they know from the inside out. For one, it’s boring and will limit your progress. Look for new adventure routes every time you go and do not avoid the steep climbs.

These tips should help you with your cycling. Hopefully soon you can improve and be up there with the big guns. Join the forum to discuss this article with other cyclists.

improve your cycling

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