Lake Water Urticaria – Lake Water Allergens to Watch Out For

Our lakes are no longer as safe as they were some twenty years ago. Swimming, although it is still a pleasure, can have side effects that we do not like.

Unfortunately, our lakes are no longer clean. Too many waste spells are thrown into the waters. People do not think about the danger to the lake population. The quality of the water suffers from this waste. When swimming, we can come across various strains of schistosomes. There are eggs of this parasite that burrow into the skin of people who are swimming. These eggs cause itchy bumps minutes to hours after exposure.

Fortunately, these parasites only cause skin rashes. And of course also itchy bumps. These may disappear within the last week.

In rare cases, the rashes are accompanied by chills and an upset stomach. Sometimes diarrhea can be observed. Most of these conditions disappear within a week. There are no other diseases that will follow.

If the rashes are very bad and itchy, you can treat them with antihistamines and cortisone in the form of creams to apply locally.

The best prevention is to bathe immediately after swimming.

In any case, avoid shallow water. In fact, near the shores of the lake, the parasites are present in large numbers. These parasites can attack the skin and cause rashes. These rashes can be mild or in some cases quite severe. The more sensitive the skin, the more important prevention is.

It is possible to find other allergens in the lake water. Some of them can be very dangerous. Like the discharge of chemicals from factories or human waste. In any case, avoid bathing in areas where there is sewage brought into the lake. If you are not aware of this and go swimming, you may get sick. Your stomach could get seriously upset with diarrhea and vomiting. If this is the case, seek medical help immediately.

Another thing to avoid is the difference in water temperature. If you swim in cold water, you expose yourself to more danger.

Let’s review what to do:

Go swimming in freshwater lakes and do it offshore. Never swim in dirty water. The water must be clear.

Never swim or stay near the shore. The shallow waters off the coasts are full of parasites.

After swimming, soak in a warm bath, then dry your skin.

If your skin develops a rash, don’t scratch it. Even if it itches. The more you touch or scratch it, the worse it gets.

If the itching is severe, treat the affected spots with an antihistamine or cortisone cream. The rash should clear up in a week at the latest. If there is more serious illness after swimming in a freshwater lake, seek medical help.

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