Your most important mommy muscle: the transverse abdomen

If there is a muscle in your body that can help you be a better mom, look good in a bikini, and provide an injury insurance policy, would you take the time to develop it? If the answer is yes, read on …

Still with me? The muscle I’m referring to is the transverse abdominis (TA). It is located in your abdomen. The TA provides the foundation for all efficient movement due to its direct and indirect stabilizing relationship with the other muscles. Have you ever tried to cross a trampoline? It is quite uncomfortable and difficult to move on such an unstable surface. Your muscles cannot function efficiently because there is no solid foundation under you.

On the contrary, walking on solid ground is easy. A stable base allows your muscles to work with maximum efficiency and ease. Your TA muscle acts as the internal foundation of your body. It provides a solid platform for your other muscles to work as well as possible. This is how it will help you:

Be a Better Mom – Moms need energy and strength to care for their babies. Having a strong TA muscle prevents your body from wasting energy, which means you have more for you and your baby. Let’s face it: the more energy we have, the better parents we can be.

Looks Great in a Bikini – The TA muscle is located under the rectus abdominis muscles (the six pack abdominal muscles). Here is the difference between the two; If you’ve ever seen bodybuilders with a six pack abs, they have very developed rectus abdominis muscles. The problem is that when these muscles develop, they grow outward. If you have very little body fat, it creates a six-pack effect and it can look great if you like it. However, if you have a layer of fat over those muscles, it can make you look fatter and bulge out your belly. Developing the rectus abdominis muscles is like letting go of the belt.

The TA muscle actually develops inward when you build it. It’s like tightening your belt or wearing a muscular girdle. So regardless of your current body fat percentage, building this muscle can help flatten your stomach and make you feel better in a bikini. For those with less body fat, a strong TA muscle also creates a sexy definition “frame” around your stomach. That’s what makes swimsuit models’ stomachs look so attractive without being overly muscular.

Safe: Because your TA muscle acts like a muscle girdle and helps stabilize your pelvis, it provides more support against external forces (impacts, physical stresses, etc.). When you bend over, turn, run or move to care for your baby, you are subjected to a series of forces. A strong TA muscle helps you efficiently transfer force through your body through your muscles, rather than your back and joints. Having a strong AT is like an insurance policy against the forces that create aches, pains, and injuries from the repetitive physical movements of caring for children.

The first step to getting a stronger TA muscle is knowing how to activate it. Actually, as a mom, you activated your AT when you were pushing during labor and delivery. However, when you are not on the delivery table, you may want to use the following techniques. This is a conscious process that takes practice. But once you get it, you can get great results.


1. Lie on your back and bring your navel toward your spine without holding your breath. Place a toy block on your stomach while doing this and it should sink. Now move the block up and down while breathing normally. You are using your transverse abdomen. Now get up and do the same. (without the block)

2. While wearing a belt, separate your belly button from the belt without holding your breath. Feel the space between your stomach and belt. Now keep that space while you breathe normally. Your TA is on.

Activating your TA muscle is the first step in developing your most important MommyMuscle. In future posts, I’ll give you some AT building exercises to be proud of …

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