Master Cleanser Recipe – What’s in the Master Cleanser Recipe?

The Master Cleanse Recipe is a brilliant type of detox diet. Created a few years ago, it has since been used around the world by people of all nationalities to not only detoxify their bodies, but also lose weight in the process. In fact, some top Hollywood celebrities like Beyonce Knowles have claimed on live TV that they use it all the time to detox and lose weight.

What sets this one apart from all the others is that it is specially formulated to be really good for your overall health while putting your body on a total detox program. Many other detox diets are based on methods that are not very good for your overall health, and this can be affected as a result, which is not what you want at all.

What are the ingredients in the Master Cleanser Recipe?

1.) 2 tablespoons organic lemon juice

This is the vital ingredient to make the infamous lemonade drink for which it is famous. This not only gives it the lemonade flavor, but lemon juice is very good for detoxifying your body and cleansing it from the inside out.

2.) 2 tablespoons Grade B Organic Maple Syrup

This not only makes the drink taste nice and sweet (believe it or not, this detox drink actually tastes good, which is why so many people like this detox diet!) – Jump-start your own detox processes from his body.

3.) 1/10 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

Not many people would guess that cayenne pepper was present in the cleanser’s master recipe, as luckily it’s all mixed together so well you can’t really taste it. Pepper is an extremely powerful detoxification agent that further aids in detoxifying your body and aids your body’s own detoxification processes.

4.) 10oz of pure water

The key here is the word ‘pure’. It is not good to use regular tap water as it has chemicals added to it and therefore will only add more toxins to your body. If you drink pure mineral water, you will stay hydrated and feel much brighter, it will give your body the vital means it needs to transport toxins out of your body, and the nutrients and minerals it contains will keep you and your body healthy. healthy too.

So there we have the master cleanser recipe, if you mix this up every day and use it with your current diet then you should be able to see some great results, and quickly too. In fact, the master cleanse diet will start working almost immediately and most people experience a good detox in just 10 days.

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