The adventure of a lifetime in Cabo

If you're the type of person who thrives on adventure and excitement, there's a place that offers all the adrenaline-pumping action you could dream of. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico has so many activities for the adventurous tourist that you won't know which one to choose first. Get ready to take an adventure package in Cabo San Lucas that will be the thrill of your life. If you are passionate about the...

Mental conditioning and evolution

Do people grow and flourish? Or are they raised by someone else? The general expression is: "I was raised." - Especially in the Americas and the European continent where we often hear people say: "I was raised Christian" or "I was raised Jewish", these are very common words and ways that we usually define ourselves, but I think it is absolutely ridiculous and humiliating that a human being has to...

What it takes to be a speed reader

While Peter was learning his new skill, he realized that he could now read more books and magazines in less time than before. He knew he was getting better and wanted to become a better reader, but he also had other interests taking up his time. He had friends and family that he enjoyed spending time with and he liked to watch television. He was also active in sports. He kept reading his...

Home renovations that will increase the value of your property

Remodeling your home is about increasing your quality of life and the value of your property. If you don't do both, consider rethinking your plans for a renovation. Finding the best exterior and interior remodeling to do on your home can be tricky, especially if your sole purpose is to recoup the cost once you sell the property. The good news is that there are experts out there who can help you...

Mexico City to Oaxaca – The Drive

It can take as little as 4.5 hours and be free of traffic and hassle, but just as easily you can run into congestion and road repairs, extending the trip to six hours or more. On the other hand, you can choose to increase the length of your trip by visiting a few select sites and some interesting landscapes, including a snow-capped volcano near Puebla and another peak near the Orizaba/Córdoba...

How to make money in MLM with these 7 video marketing strategies

As a child I remember the VHS camcorder my dad had. We could take a few hours of home video, plug it into our TV, and start watching.As a seller it was a bit more difficult. The only way he could get others to see his video marketing message was by sending them a tape or asking them to come to his house. Basically, video marketing was hard to do.Today we have the Internet and websites like...

Saint Teresa illuminates the soul through spiritual communion with the saints

This beautiful nun swore she would come down and shower roses before she died at a very young age. The more I learn about Saint Teresa, the more I understand that she has the ability to communicate with us and even bring us into communion with the saints in heaven. She brings roses to those who seek her help.Saint Therese of Lisieux known as the Little Flower and Saint Teresa wrote one of the...

Fighting Fit – Martial Arts and Weight Loss

If your goal is to improve your fitness or lose weight, but you need to do something more exciting than jogging on a treadmill to stay motivated, perhaps you should consider taking up a martial art like boxing, kickboxing, karate, or judo.In this article, we list the top 10 reasons to consider doing a martial art for fitness and weight loss to help you decide if doing one is right for you.1. Do...

Career advancement is a two-way street

I called a guy I've known for about three years. Together with his wife, he has been to several parties at my house and we have been very cool. He's a professional actor, which for me was only partly traveled, so I kind of enjoy hearing about his career, how he deals with challenges like rejection and the inevitable ups and downs. And I guess I've always told myself, "I can do what he does,...

Master Cleanser Recipe – What’s in the Master Cleanser Recipe?

The Master Cleanse Recipe is a brilliant type of detox diet. Created a few years ago, it has since been used around the world by people of all nationalities to not only detoxify their bodies, but also lose weight in the process. In fact, some top Hollywood celebrities like Beyonce Knowles have claimed on live TV that they use it all the time to detox and lose weight. What sets this one apart from...